Behind the scenes with New Leaf Refills

By Lauren

1. Why did you start New Leaf Refills?

"I’d been saying for years that our local community needed more sustainable shopping options. We have some fantastic stores in Queenstown selling organic products and a few bulk items but nothing solely dedicated to reducing waste! When covid hit I found myself in-between jobs and trying to decide what I wanted to do next, so decided it was the perfect time to take the leap and give New Leaf Refills a go!"


2. What is your top sustainability tip?

"Start small and go from there! I speak to so many people who say ‘I really want to start being more sustainable but don’t have the time to start’. Even making one small change is a positive! Try tackling one area of your home, for example cleaning products! You will soon see how simple it is."


3. What's been your funniest or most embarrassing moment during your journey of getting New Leaf Refills where it is today?

"We timed the launch of New Leaf Refills alongside our local markets! All excited and feeling ready to go, we got to our first ever market day and soon realised how unprepared we were. I had pretty much forgotten half of the things we needed, had no change and couldn’t get the card machine to work for the life of me! But luckily we had an amazing day, laughed at how it could only get better and learnt from our mistakes."