Behind the scenes with SWOP

By Bridie and Sarah

1. Why did you start SWOP (Shop without packaging)?

"We felt there was a gap in Raglan with the Kaupapa of being Plastic Free but people were having to travel to Hamilton to be able to support this. We wanted to bring this style of shopping to Raglan in an affordable way and allow those living in Raglan or near to be able to fill their containers and buy zero waste alternatives - such as Mylk Made!"


2. What is your top sustainability tip?

"Sarah: Reuse should always be the first option! 

Bridie: Small changes made by many people make the biggest difference, I've gone takeaway cup free for the year (and forever!) Either make time to have your coffee or bring your reusable!"


3. What's been your funniest or most embarrassing moment during your journey of getting SWOP where it is today?

"Possibly just the amount of spillages! We've dropped a whole bag of chia seeds (the glitter of the food world) and you still find rogue ones today, or the spirulina which just went EVERYWHERE. Not funny at the time with cleaning but always fun to look back on and I'm sure there will be many more!"


SWOP is a plastic free refill store, located in Raglan.